Alocasia Black Velvet – Indoor House Plants

Alocasia Black Velvet - Indoor House Plants

Alocasia Black Velvet is one of the most attractive ornamental plants. It grows up to 30-45 centimeters height and width or spread is around 18 to 25cm. Alocasia grows through rhizomes which branch to form clumps. The leaves are arrow-shaped, dark greenish-black on the top with silver veins and purple underneath. Anthurium-like blossoms are produced throughout the year when growing conditions are favorable. These consist of a sterile, finger-like floral column (spadix) surrounded by a pale green petal-like leaf (spathe). This plant contains oxalic acid which is highly harmful to humans and pets. So always keep away from your kids and pets.

Scientific classification:

Family: Araceae.
Genus: Alocasia.
Species: A. reginula.
Cultivar: “Black Velvet”

Scientific Name: Alocasia reginula ‘Black Velvet’
Common Names: Alocasia Black Velvet, Queen Alocasia, The little Queen, Alocasia Velvet, Black Velvet elephant ear plant.

Alocasia Black Velvet

How to grow and maintain Alocasia Black Velvet:

It thrives best in bright, indirect light but will survive in shade. Avoid direct sunlight.

It grows well in a well-drained but moist, rich organic mix. It prefers the soil pH range of 5.6 to 7.0. Try to avoid wet, mucky, or dry, sandy soils.

Water your plant regularly during the growing season and always keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. Alocasia plants require less water during the winter when it’s dormant. You can allow the topsoil to become slightly dry between each watering.

It grows best in high humidity. To improve the humidity around a houseplant, place the plant on a tray filled with pebbles and water. Be sure the plant is sitting on the pebbles and not in the water. You can also increase the humidity around an Alocasia Plant by placing a small humidifier near the plant or grouping plants together.

It prefers an average to warm temperatures between 65 degrees Fahrenheit – 75 degrees Fahrenheit / 18 degrees Celsius – 24 degrees Celsius. Do not let temperature remain under 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fertilize your Alocasia plant with a diluted balanced fertilizer from spring every two weeks and stop at the end of August then start again at the beginning of spring. Too much fertilizer causes salts to build up in the soil and burn the leaves of an Alocasia Plant.

Remove any yellow leaves or those that develop brown or black spots from an Alocasia plant as that may be a sign of a fungal disease.

Alocasia is easily propagated by dividing the rhizomes, separate offsets, or root stem cuttings in spring or summer.

Pests and Diseases:

There is no serious pest or disease problems. Watch for mealy bugs, scale, aphids, and spider mite. Spraying an Alocasia Plant with warm soapy water every few weeks helps prevent Mealy Bugs, Scale, Aphids, and spider mite problems. Overwatering, wet leaves, and soggy soil make an Alocasia plant susceptible to a variety of serious fungal infections.

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