Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) – Flowering plants


Lotus are best contained in pots that prevent the tubers from running rampant because if left unchecked the lotus will take over the entire pond. They are available in a range of sizes from miniatures, growing no more than a foot and having flowers no larger than a tennis ball, to huge plants reaching 6′ in height with leaves and flowers as large as basketballs. It also comes in a phenomenal aray of colors and fragrances. Colors range from the deepest rosy pink to the cleanest white. The blooming process of the lotus is quite unusual compared to waterlilies, it only last for about four days and occurs in very early mornings. On the fourth day the flower will open during the day or afternoon and then begin to fade and tatter and shed its pedals. Day-length vary greatly from cultivar to cultivar. They strive in full sun and are susceptible to high winds. Water depth ranges depending on cultivars.

It is considered a sacred and divine flower in many religions, most notably Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Baha’i faith. It rises from the mud, untouched and clean, to open into a magnificent flower high in the air. The life cycle, stature, and perfection of the Lotus is perhaps the reason that it represents purity, peace, transcendence, enlightenment, rebirth, beauty, and fertility. The flowers open with the light of the sun and close with darkness. Each day is a new life, a new rebirth for the flower. The life cycles of the Lotus, both daily and seasonal, evoke how the human spirit unfolds: from humble beginnings in the mud to the blossoming of the soul in the ether and light.

Scientific name: Nelumbo nucifera
Common name: Lotus


How to maintain Lotus:

Air temperature:

Choose a twist free site. Lotus start to develop when the air temperature is in the 70’s. Once the temperature is 80 degrees for a time of four weeks the plant will start to blossom.


Lotus ought to be developed in full sun as it were.


Remove yellowed foliage as required however don’t cut the stems off underneath the water line.


We pot our standard and midget lotus in approx. 16″ wide compartments for the primary year. The midget structures can stay in this size pot. The standard size lotus ought to be repotted into bigger holders after the primary year. Make certain the compartment is sufficiently profound to hold 2-3″ of water.


Since tubers loathe aggravation, lotus must be repotted ahead of schedule in spring similarly as development starts. In the Portland range that will be late April or early May. When you see the main green shoots, you can lift the tuber from the first pot. The tuber will resemble a long expansion with banana like developments isolated by establishing hubs on each end. The new development shoots will originate from this hub region. In the event that you need to isolate your lotus, ensure that every division has no less than four of the vast banana like areas. Put a 2″ layer of good garden soil on the base of your pot. Try not to utilize bundled preparing blends as they are too light and will skim. Put the lotus tuber on a level plane over the pot and cover without any than 1/2 crawls of extra soil. Make certain that the developing tip is not secured or the lotus will decay. Add compost tablets to the pot. When bringing down the pot into your lake, tip the pot to permit the water to gradually enter one side. This keeps the tuber from being washed out of the pot.


At the point when new development starts each season, you ought to add aquatic fertilizer pellets to the planting pot. Try not to place pellets specifically against the tuber. Hold up until your lotus has created around 6 new leaves before the principal feeding.Because lotus are overwhelming feeders, you should fertilize again each month. Do not fertilize after Mid-July or the plant will not begin its seasonal dormancy on schedule. We don’t suggest utilizing granular aquatic fertilizer.

Last updated on November 14th, 2017

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