Glory lily – Flowering plants

Glory lily - Flowering plants

Glory lily (Gloriosa superba) is erect enduring, tuberous, scandent or, on the other hand climbing herbs with rings framed at the tip of the clears out. Gloriosa Superba (Kalihari) is a common ayurvedic herb used for hundreds of years for the treatment of muscular pain, joint inflammation, and pain disorders. The first description of its use in History appears in Charaka Samhita. In Ayurveda, it is also used in the treatment of ear diseases and skin disorders.

Common Name: flame lily, climbing lily, creeping lily, glory lily, gloriosa lily, tiger claw, and fire lily.
Scientific Name: Gloriosa superba

Glory lily - Flowering plants





How to grow and maintain glory lily:

Use a regular potting mix.In the garden, make sure that the soil is not clay or exposed to pests.

Planting space:
If planting in garden or together in one container space 6 to 12 inches apart.

Pot Size:
Plant the begins lying sideways into two separate 8-inch pots or join together in a bigger pot.

Water after planting. They like to be watered twice a week or more while they are outside. Their soil needs to remain damp during their growing season.

In the late spring developing season, the incomplete sun is the most perfect. In the winter, any lighting is ok.

Under right conditions, blossoming starts in mid-July and last well into late September, particularly by the second season.

Weaken the Hawaiian Flower Magic plant nourishment 8 drops for each quart of water. Utilize the Hawaiian Flower Magic plant sustenance every other time you water except in the winter dormant period.

At the point when evenings remain over 50 degrees, put your plants outside and abandon them there throughout the entire summer. The hotter the better. If you live where it rarely drops below freezing, you can leave your plants outside year round only if planted directly into the ground. Otherwise, bring the pots inside for the winter.

Gloriosa is monetarily spread from its underground, V-formed rhizomes. Gloriosa produces bi-forked tuber during the developing season and each of these forks has just a single developing bud.Rhizomes should be handled carefully, as they are brittle and are liable to break easily. If the growing bud is subjected to any kind of damage, the tuber will fail to sprout. The vigor of the vine and flowering and fruiting ability depends on the size of the rhizomes. The optimum weight of the rhizomes should be about 50-60 g. The plants from small rhizomes do not flower during the first year. In order to avoid rotting of rhizomes, it is advisable to treat the rhizomes with fungicides, preferably Carbendazim (0.1%).

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