Living christmas tree – Indoor House Plants

Living christmas tree - Indoor House Plants

The graceful Indoor houseplant that we know as living Christmas tree (Araucaria heterophylla). This large evergreen has a single upright trunk, tiered branching habit, and a narrow pyramidal or columnar shape. Eventually reaching a height of about 80 feet, the tree possesses a rapid growth rate.The living Christmas tree, Araucaria is grown in large numbers as a pot plant for indoor decoration and is planted outdoors for lawn specimens, as cut Christmas trees, and as a timber crop.

Scientific Name: Araucaria heterophylla
Common Name: Norfolk Island pine, star pine, triangle tree or living Christmas tree.

Living christmas tree  - Indoor House Plants





How to grow and maintain living Christmas tree:

Living Christmas Trees require Bright light with some full sun. Bottom branches fall off when it doesn’t get enough light.

Living Christmas trees are thirsty, so check the soil regularly during the developing season. Yellow needles are ordinarily caused by soil that is either too dry or soggy. Aim to keep it lightly moist at all times. If the soil completely dries out, entire fronds turn gray, brittle, and fall off.

At the point when the plant is growing, feed with a fertilizer formulated for indoor foliage plants. It is not unusual for the plant to be in a period of rest during the winter months, at which time there is no need to fertilize.

Araucaria heterophylla Trees prefer Average room temperatures 60-75°F/16-24°C.

This plant is slow-growing, especially indoors. Move it into a pot 1 size larger every 3 years or when roots are visible on top of the soil. When the tree grows to more than 3 ft (90 cm) tall, top dress instead.

Try not to prune Norfolk pine. Never remove the top or trim the sides of this plant. It doesn’t need to be shaped at all. You can remove any lower branches that die, using sharp pruners to prevent tearing the stems.

Pests and diseases:
Mealybugs are the most widely recognized Pest. Look for white, cotton-like areas on leaves and stems and treat any infestation immediately.

It Can be grown from seed, although it will take several years to reach the size of a purchased plant. If you want to start a new plant, cut 4″ off the top of the stem. This will include the star-shaped foliage that gives the tree its nickname, Star Pine. Plant the cutting in a small container of rich potting soil and keep moist.

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