Pear – Fruit garden

Pear - Fruit garden

Pear is a kind of deciduous tree.There are over 3000 assortments of pears that can be found the world over today. They are mostly cultivated because of their delicious fruit that has numerous beneficial effects on the human health. Pears are the rich source of dietary fibers, vitamins C and K and minerals such as copper and potassium. It can grow to the height of 39 to 49 feet. It has a pyramid-shaped crown. Pear has oval or heart-shaped green leaves that are alternately arranged on the branches. It creates white or pink flowers. Even though flowers contain both types of reproductive organs (stamens and pistil), they cannot perform self-pollination. Insects are main pollinators of flowers. Pear produces round, oval or conical fruit that is covered with yellow, green or reddish skin. Flesh is white or creamy colored and filled with stone cells.

Scientific Name: Pyrus
Common Name: Pear

Pear - Fruit garden






How to Grow and maintain Pears:

Pears require a lot of daylight to blossom and fruit properly. You will require an area that receives sun most of the day. Early morning sun and adequate circulation help the dew dry quickly, which can help to reduce the incidence of moisture-borne disease, lessening the need to spray.

Plant in well-draining soil. Change soil with compost before planting. A soil pH of 6.5 is recommended. Test pH with a pH test pack. To bring down pH, add peat moss or sulfur to the soil. To raise pH, add lime to the soil. Re-test after amending the soil. Space trees 20 feet apart.

Water newly planted trees weekly for the first year. Let the water trickle onto the soil for about an hour. After the first year, water occasionally during the summer months to keep the soil from drying out.

Pear trees growing too vigorously are more susceptible to fire blight infection than those making moderate growth. Fertilize young pear trees with up to a pound of a general garden fertilizer such as 10-10-10 or its equivalent. Older trees that are growing well require no fertilizer.

Pests and diseases:
Fire blight is the most serious disease of pear and pear psylla is the main insect pest of pears. It is recommended to use an oil or spray formulated for fruit trees before the flower buds open, in order to kill insects and prevent disease.

Harvest:                                                                        Harvest pears just before they are completely matured. They should be firm and swollen, with a subtle color change to their skin. Test early varieties by tasting one of the fruit for sweetness, yet firmness. Later varieties should part easily from the tree when lifted and gently twisted.

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