Cynodon dactylon – Herb garden

Cynodon dactylon - Herb garden

Cynodon dactylon is referred to as a warm or perennial grass. This herb is holistic as per Hindu mythology as well as highly medicinal. Bermuda grass contains Cynodon Dactylon Protein Fractions. This is a protein compound responsible for improving immunity. Durva grass is also called as energizer or immunity booster. It’s able to grow rapidly during the summer and withstand hot, unfavorable climates and conditions. One unfavorable condition for other grasses is sandy soil. Bermuda is able to grow beautifully on sandy soil if the laborer follows these guidelines for growing Bermuda grass in the sand. It spreads by both root and seed.

Scientific Name: Cynodon dactylon
Common Name: Vilfa stellata, durva grass, Dhoob, Bermuda grass, dubo, dog’s tooth grass, Bahama grass, devil’s grass, couch grass, Indian doab, arugampul, grama, wiregrass and scutch grass.

Cynodon dactylon - Herb garden





How to grow and maintain Cynodon dactylon:

Cynodon dactylon isn’t shaded tolerant and yields decrease rapidly with increasing shade. It ordinarily dies out under medium to dense shade.

Indian doab grows best on well-drained soils that have a soil pH between 6.0 and 6.5, however, they will endure an extensive variety of soil conditions.

Soil temperature of around at least 70ºF is perfect for planting Bermuda grass seeds. This temperature is found after 80-90 days of constant high temperature during the day. The growth activity of Indian doab halts when the temperature is below 60ºF at night.

Prepare Indian doab monthly. Utilize nitrogen fertilizer. During the winter, use potassium fertilizer. Phosphorous fertilizer should only be applied three to four times a year.

Watering is a critical step to seeding success. Water daily, or as needed, to keep the soil surface moist until the seedlings reach at least 2 inches tall. Should be watered regularly from March until November except during periods of heavy summer monsoon rains.

Benefits of Cynodon dactylon:
Relieves Acidity due to its alkaline property, it is known to relieve acidity in a person. It Stabilizes blood sugar Consuming Bermuda grass juice helps stabilize blood sugar level. It Relieves Diuretic condition – Consuming this juice early in the morning helps one detoxify his/her body of toxins and also gets rid of water retention. This is also useful in treating urinary tract infections. A cure for cold and Phlegm, Regular consumption of Bermuda grass juice is helpful in fighting cold and sinusitis condition.

It relieves skin conditions – Skin conditions such as eczema, fungal infections can be treated, when one applies a paste made from Bermuda grass. Drinking its juice in conjunction also helps in detoxifying thereby preventing further worsening of skin condition. You can add turmeric powder with the Bermuda grass paste when you apply on the skin.

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