Billbergia nutans – Indoor House Plants

Billbergia nutans - Indoor House Plants

Billbergia nutans (Commonly known as Queen’s Tears) is an ornamental indoor houseplant. Its tough, straplike, tooth-edged, olive green leaves grow into an upright rosette, making an urn that must be filled with water at all times. As the plant develops, the leaves arch outward, lending a graceful appearance. The foliage can reach up to fifteen inches tall and about twice as wide, so give this plant some room to spread out. In spring the arching flower stalks carry pink bracts and pendant flowers that have chartreuse green petals edged with royal-blue.

Scientific Name: Billbergia nutans
Synonyms: Billbergia linearifolia, Billbergia minuta,
Billbergia schimperiana.
Common Name: Queen’s Tears.

Billbergia nutans - Indoor House Plants





How to grow and maintain Billbergia nutans:

It thrives well in bright light, but should not be placed into direct sunlight.

It requires a good soil blend consists of equal parts peat moss,
leaves and sand. They prefer slightly acidic soil but tolerate alkaline soil as well.

It Prefers normal room temperature but will tolerate temperatures as low as 35°F – 40°F / 2°C – 4°C for a short while.

Water moderately but consistently during the growing season, Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Allow the top one inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Reduce watering during the winter season.

Fertilize your plant every 2 weeks from late spring to autumn with the diluted liquid fertilizer.

It can be easily propagated by seed, by offsets in spring or also by layering in spring or in summer.

Re-pot your plant every year or every 2 years. As the plant grows, you should move it to a wider pot so the new stems and roots have enough room to develop. Repotting is best done in spring.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest or problems. But, Susceptible to Scale insects that sit on the undersides of the leaves. Treat with insecticide.

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