Faucaria tigrina (Tiger Jaws) – Succulent Plants

Faucaria tigrina (Tiger Jaws) - Succulent Plants

Faucaria tigrina (Tiger Jaws) is a small clump-forming perennial succulent, grows up to 6 inches tall. It has 4 or 5 layers of leaves arranged in criss-cross opposite pairs, forming a thick, star shaped rosette. Each pair of leaves is united at the base and these are virtually no stems. The leaves are fleshy and pointed, two to five Centimeters long and two Centimeter broad at the base.

The roughly triangular leaves, which are normally edged with soft and bristle-like hooked teeth, have a flat upper surface, but the underside is convex. Leaf color is greyish green (turning purplish in strong sunshine) marked with many small white dots. The teeth on the edge of the young leaves interlock, but they later strengthen and separate to give a jaw like appearance hence it is commonly called as tiger jaws. The blossoms are large, up to 2 inches wide, silky in shape and yellow in color. They are produced from between the leaves in autumn.

Scientific Name: Faucaria tigrina
Common Names: Tigerโ€™s Jaw, Tiger Jaws, Sharkโ€™s Jaws, Shark Jaws.

Faucaria tigrina (Tiger Jaws) - Succulent Plants




How to grow and maintain Faucaria tigrina (Tiger Jaws):

It thrives best in bright light with some direct sunlight.
keep the Tiger Jaws plant no less than three hours every day of direct sunlight throughout the entire year in order to flower.

It grows well in moist but well-drained soil, cactus potting
mix or use 2 parts potting mix with 1 part sand.

Water your plant regularly during the growing season and always
keep the soil evenly moist but never allow your plant to sit in
water. You can allow the topsoil to become slightly dry between
each watering. During the winter months, reduce wtering.

It prefers an average temperatures in winter, 60 – 75 degrees
Fahrenheit / 16 – 24 degrees Celsius and needs warmer
temperatures from spring through fall 70 – 90 degrees
Fahrenheit / 21 – 32 degrees Celsius.

Fertilize every 2 weeks from spring through fall with a 2-7-7
liquid fertilizer diluted by half. Do not fertilize in winter.

Re-pot the Faucaria tigrina plant, When clump has covered the
mixture, move the plant into a pot one size bigger, just once in 2 or 3 years in early Spring.

It can be easily propagated by dividing overcrowded clumps in
late spring or early summer or take cuttings and dust them with
hormone rooting powder and leave to dry for 3 days. Water after
3 weeks when roots have formed.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest or disease problems. Watch for
mealybugs and scale.

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