Agathi (Sesbania grandiflora) – Herb garden

Agathi (sesbania grandiflora)

Agathi is quickly developing and delicate lush tree grows up to 3-8mt in stature. Leaves are consistent, deciduous, and suddenly pinnate and adjusted around 15-30cm long and has 10-20 flyers. As per diverse species this plant bears red and white blossoms. Blooms are long, has 2-4 blossom racemes, shallowly 2 lipped and are vessel formed. Plant bears blossoms in month of September and October. Organic product cases re thin, falcate around 30cm long contains 15-30 seeds inside.

All parts of this plant fill some therapeutic need for us. Like the leaves, units and blossoms are utilized as a part of cooking for making scrumptious formulas. The wood of Agastya plant is utilized for household reason. Its consistency coordinates that of Bamboo since which it is generally utilized as its substitution in furniture making.

The plant is named “Agastya” in light of the fact that its blossoms sprout in the Agastya star day of Sharad Ritu (harvest time) according to Ayurveda. As indicated by another conviction, it was named after “Agathi” a celebrated diviner who rehearsed Ayurvedic Rasayana systems in the excellent dwelling place Himalayas. It is said that this plant was unforgettable to him and has since been named after him.

Wonderful blossoms of this plant are likewise utilized as an offering to Lord Shiva. With everything taken into account it has an extremely calming impact on the body and is useful in overseeing stress and nervousness under control. The juice of this plant can help in purging Diamond inside three days.

Scientific Name: sesbania grandiflora

Common Names:

English name – Agathi, West Indian Tree, Vegetable Humming bird, Flamingo Bill, White Dragon tree, Swamp pea, Sesban, Tree bean, Large flowered Agato, Brede
Hindi name – Aghastya, Agast, Hathya, Basna, Bakpushpa, Vakrapushpa, Agasi, Chogachi
Sanskrit name – Vangasena, Agasti, Agastya
Bengali name – Olatkaombol, Bak
Tamil name – Sivappututti, Agati
Kannada name – Agase, Agache, Kempagase
Malayalam name – Aagatti, Atti, Akatti
Oriya name – Agastee
Gujarati name – Agathiyo, Ayathio
Pilipino name – Gauai-gauai
French name – Pois valette


How to grow agathi:


Wait for warm, climate to sow; a dirt temperature of no less than 25°C is required. In subtropical zones sow November – December; in tropical ranges sow October until January.

Seed Preparation:

It can be immediate sown or sown into seedling plate or ranger service tubes for later transplanting. It is essential to utilize a free-depleting seed raising blend and not over-water as it is inclined to damping-off in the seedling stage.


Plant out at 1.5 – 2 m spacings.

Points of interest:

Agati can be engendered by cuttings or seedlings. It has been observed to be extremely vulnerable to nematodes. It for the most part does not require immunization. Shield youthful plants from all brushing creatures.

Uses of agathi:

  • The blooms of the plant have a severe taste and an astringent activity on the body.
  • It can be utilized as a part of irregular fever, night visual impairment, rhinitis, running nose, stomach torment and a wide range of liver and spleen issue.
  • It can be used to detoxify the body, If there is chronic toxicity due to improper dietary patterns over a period of time.
  • Leaves of Agastya plant have a non – slimy, bitter nature with a hot potency. These are heavy to digest and can effectively balance kapha dosha.
  • Leaves prove to be helpful in worm infestations and bleeding disorders like menorrhagia and ulcerative colitis. These also possess tonic properties for the body.
  • Agastya fruits are very helpful in pacifying pitta dosha. It aids in weight loss and helps to manage abdominal tumors. These also help in improving memory and intelligence.
  • Bark helps to manage IBS symptoms and low digestive power and constipation while the flowers help in treating diarrhea.
  • Roots and bark of the plant are also used for external application over the body.
  • Juicy extract of the leaves can be used as nasya to relieve kapha predominant disorders of the upper respiratory tract and for epilepsy also.Leaf paste can be applied to treat oral and throat problems.
  • Root bark is applied externally to reduce pain and inflammation in arthritis and gout. Paste of red flower agastya is used in rheumatism. Leaf juice extract is used in nasya for epileptic sufferers.

Last updated on February 28th, 2017

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