Chamaedorea Metallica – Indoor House Plant

Chamaedorea metallica - Indoor House Plants

Chamaedorea metallica (Metallica Palm) is an ornamental indoor house plant. It is a species of flowering plant in the Arecaceae family. It has a single stem, unbranched up to 50-120 cm long and up to 2,5 cm in diameter white-spotted with swollen leaf rings and growing with a narrow profile. The leaves are 30-70 cm long and 25-40 cm wide, tough, durable, simple, undivided, erect, almost straight, bifid and notched at the tip in the shape of a chalice or fish’s tail. Metallica Palm has foliage with a dark metallic blue-green sheen thus the common name Metallica Palm.

It produces attractive little red, purple or orange flowers that grow in a branched inflorescence. Male and female blossoms grow on different plants. Blooms are followed by green egg-shaped fruits that turn black when ripe. The elliptical fruits are about a 0.5 inch long and 0.3 inch in diameter. Metallica Palm is very easy to grow at indoor and outdoor.

Scientific Name: Chamaedorea metallica
Common Names: Metallica Palm, Metal Palm and Miniature Fishtail Palm.

Chamaedorea metallica - Indoor House Plants

How to care and grow Chamaedorea metallica?


It grows well in partial shade to Shade. Tolerance to low light conditions makes this palm perfect for growing indoors.


It prefers loamy, Sandy soil, humus-rich well-drained soil and can also tolerate alkaline limestone soils.


It thrives best in temperature between 75 – 90ºF/24-32ºC and it tends to be damaged below about 45ºF (7ºC).


Water the plant regularly in the growing season and rarely over the winter season. Do not over water the metal palm plant or leave it sitting in water. The roots and lower trunk can rot if the soil is kept too moist.


Fertilize moderately at least 6 inches away from the base, tri-annually with a slow time release 15-5-10 or Fertilize with a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly.


Chamaedorea Metallica can be propagated by seeds and can also be propagated by division of the root mass. seeds are easiest to germinate if planted within four to six weeks after the fruit is ripe.

Pests and Diseases:

No serious pest and disease problems. But spider mites, scale, thrips, and mealybug are the most common pests of houseplants.

Last updated on July 3rd, 2021

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