Corona Prayer Plant (Calathea Corona)

Corona Prayer Plant (Calathea Corona)

Corona Prayer Plant is an ornamental, clump-forming evergreen perennial houseplant. This Corona plant is a matured Calathea and one of the most popular indoor plant. It has healthy broad leaves, silvery-green leaves taper to a point and are edged with a wide band of dark green and one of the key feature is their purplish red undersides. It requires indirect to moderate lighting condition and regular watering 💧. Developing new leaves are curled, revealing purplish-red undersides. Corona Prayer Plant should be non-toxic to kids, cats, and dogs.

Scientific Name: Calathea sp. ‘Corona’
Common Name: Corona Prayer Plant

Calathea Corona Plant

How to care and grow Corona Prayer Plant?


It flourishes best in bright indirect sunlight or filtered sunlight to partial shade. Keep your plant out of direct sunlight, because too much of direct sunlight burns the leaves of a Plant and causes the wonderful leaf hues to fade. Keep your plant in front of East, west, or north facing window is suitable.


It grows well in moist, well-drained, fertile organic soil with a mix of sand.


It thrives well in average room temperatures between 65 – 75ºF / 18 – 24ºC and no lower than 60ºF / 15ºC. Avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes.


Humidity levels need to be moderate to high for this plant. A wet pebble tray or a room humidifier should help to raise levels adequately.


Water regularly, during the growing season. Keep soil constantly moist but never water-logged. Overwatering can cause root rot and kill the plant. During the winter season, reduce watering and only water the plant when the top inch soil to dry out between watering. Use distilled water or rainwater because this plant is sensitive to fluoride and salts in tap water.


Fertilize every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) with a 10-10-5 liquid fertilizer diluted by half. In fall and winter, feed monthly.


Calathea Corona can be easily propagated by division. Divide rhizomes of mature plants in spring or early summer.


Re-pot during spring season once every 2 years, just in a somewhat bigger pot if the roots have consumed all the space with the present pot.

Pests and Diseases:

It is very susceptible to Spider mites, scale, Mealy Bugs, and Aphids. Likewise, watch for fluoride toxicity and fungal and bacterial leaf spots.

Last updated on July 10th, 2021

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