Phoenix canariensis – Indoor House Plants

Phoenix canariensis - Indoor House Plants

Phoenix canariensis is the most popular palm species. It has a husk-like stem consisting of wide, emerald green leaf bases partly covered with brown, fibrous hair. The dark green fronds are finely divided and their stalks are a paler green. The fruit is an oval, yellow to orange drupe 2 cm long and 1 cm in diameter and containing a single large seed, the fruit pulp is edible but too thin to be worth eating. Palms clean and improve air quality by filtering formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide toxins from the surrounding environment.

Scientific Name: Phoenix canariensis
Common Names: Canary Island date palm and pineapple palm.

Phoenix canariensis - Indoor House Plants

How to grow and maintain Phoenix canariensis:

It prefers full Sun to medium light. Your best to provide it a combination of sunlight and shade, which makes an east or west-facing window a good spot to place your plant.

It grows best in a peat-based potting mix with good drainage is best used. Two parts peat and one perlite or sand work fine. Fine pine bark works well within a mix too.

It prefers an average room temperature of 16 to 24°C (65- 75°F). They do best if they are encouraged to have a winter rest period at about 10-13°C (50-55°F). Avoid cold drafts.

It prefers average room humidity is fine. To improve humidity mist the leaves during the summer (if the air becomes dry) and when the air is dry from artificial heating.

Water moderately but consistently during the growing season, Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Allow the top one inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Reduce watering during the winter season.

Remove the suckers that develop at the base of the plant. Make sure to include the roots with it, and put them in separate containers. Plants can be grown from seeds, but you’ll wait years for the plant to grow into a tree.

Re-pot this palm only when it has become pot bound. Every 2 years you can top dress the soil by removing the top few inches and replacing it, then every 4 years completely renew the soil and check the root systems size and health. Roots may need pruning.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest or disease problems. Maybe attacked by glasshouse red spider mite, thrips, mealybugs, and scale insects.

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