Senecio barbertonicus Himalaya

Senecio barbertonicus Himalaya - Indoor Plants

Senecio barbertonicus Himalaya is an evergreen succulent shrub, grows compact, dense and can reach an average height of 15 – 20 cm and a spread of 15 – 20 cm wide. It has long, needle-like, bright green leaves and produces sweet-scented bright yellow flowers, 3 inches long and 0.4 inches in diameter. It blooms from July through September.

Scientific Name: Senecio barbertonicus Himalaya
Common Names: Senecio Himalaya, Succulent bush senecio, Barberton senecio, Barberton groundsel, lemon bean bush, Himalaya Green Senecio.

Senecio barbertonicus Himalaya - Indoor Plants

How to care and grow Senecio barbertonicus Himalaya ?


It flourishes best in bright, indirect light to partial light shade.


It is not particular as to soil type or pH. But make sure the soil is moist at all times during the spring and summer months.


Water your plant regularly during the growing season and always keep the soil evenly moist but never allow your plant to sit in water. You can allow the topsoil to become slightly dry between each watering. During the winter months, reduce watering.


It thrives well in optimal room temperatures are 18 degrees Celsius โ€“ 24 degrees Celsius. Also can tolerate cooler temperatures even as low as 10ยฐC in winter while the plant is dormant.


Fertilize the plant every month with a weak solution of balanced fertilizer.


Prune back some of the new growth each year to encourage the plant to shrub out additional.


Senecio barbertonicus Himalaya can be easily propagated by divided or re-potted in early spring.

Pests and Diseases:

Senecio barbertonicus Himalaya has no serious pest or disease problems. They can occasionally be affected by scale and mealy bugs.

Last updated on July 19th, 2021

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