Spider Plants – Indoor house plant

Spider Plant

Spider Plants or Airplane Plants create curved green and light yellow stems that stretch out to be 12-18 inches long. At the point when not as much as a year old, Spider Plants may deliver small white blossoms amid the late spring.
While mostly used in containers or hanging baskets, they can be planted directly in the ground. When planting in the garden or flower bed, they need to be sheltered from direct sunlight.

Scientific Name : Chlorophytum comosum

Common Name : Spider Plants or Airplane Plants


Spider Plants

How to maintain Spider Plant :

Watering : 

All through the late spring Spider’s ought to be watered frequently and soil kept uniformly sodden. Be that as it may, amid the winter months the soil ought to be permitted to dry out quickly between waterings.

Water the plant on the soil surface and not on the leaves, water will simply keep running off the leaves and not soak into the soil. Spider plants additionally like somewhat warm or room temperature water, cool water could harm the roots.

The plants long, tuber like roots store water, but are also the main problem with watering this plant. The roots quickly take up space in the pot and prevent water from soaking through to the center of the roots.

To ensure that the plant gets enough water, you can sit the plant in a sink and permit the water to soak into the plant from the base up. At that point let the plant deplete before rehanging it.

Most homes humidity is too low during the winter months for these plants. Frequent misting them will help keep an infestation of spider mites from attacking the plant.


The perfect soil will drain well, but also retain moisture. A good high quality potting soil or soil formulated for African Violets is a good choice.


Spider plants don’t need a lot of fertilizing. It’s best to just sustain them a few times each month and dilute the feeding solution to half of the recommended strength. During winter months the feeding times can be reduced to once per month.

Propagation :

At the point when the Spider plant babies frame roots they can be cut off of the mother plant and planted in pots. They can also be rooted in water if you suspend the plant and just let the roots of the baby sit in the water. Small pots filled with soil can also be set beside the parent plant and the baby secured into the dirt. Once the baby has rooted itself into the soil, cut it away from the parent.

Tips for Spider Plant Growing : 

Spider Plant get a kick out of the chance to be root bound and will develop much better if there’s only somewhat additional room around the roots. Preparing a little plant into a vast pot can really murder the plant!

The soil moisture can let you know when the plant needs re-potting. If the soil is dry down to 1/2 inch within several days after watering, it’s probably time to re-pot.

On the off chance that the plants leaves start to feel sticky it could be an indication that the plant is infested with either scale or aphids. Both of these plant pests secrete a sticky substance.

A few assortments of Spider plants can be extremely delicate to the chlorine found in faucet water. What’s more, sodium can likewise harm the plant. In the event that you’d incline toward you can water your plant with refined water, sifted water or permit tap water to sit over night before utilizing it.

Last updated on February 28th, 2017

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