Strelitzia reginae – Flowering plants

Strelitzia reginae

Bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae) is an evergreen lasting, up to 6.6 feet (2 m) tall. It frames clusters of long somewhat blue green surrenders, over to 27.6 inches (70 cm) long and up to 11.8 inches (30 cm) wide, that are erect on long stalks. From late fall through late spring seem orange and blue blossoms that ascent from reed-like, grayish leaf stalks that can reach up to 6 feet (1.8 m) tall. These stalks bear blossoms of a most intriguing flower structure with hard, snout like green sheath-like bracts, held separately at a correct point at the tip of the stalks. The blossoms, which develop each one in turn from the spathe, comprise of three splendid orange sepals and three purplish-blue petals. Two of the blue petals are consolidated to frame a bolt like nectary. Singular blossoms last about seven days. Strelitzia reginae are the only plants from its genus that can be grown indoors. They can be potted as indoor plants and they make a showy and non-messy plant beside swimming pools. It is widely used in landscaping as an architectural plant and focal point. Also, it is grown for its spectacular flowers and are used all over the world for cut flowers in exotic floral displays.

Scientific Name: Strelitzia reginae

Common Name:  strelitzia, crane flower or bird of paradise

Strelitzia reginae

How to grow and maintain Strelitzia reginae:


bird of paradise needs full sun to light shade with warm temperatures, be that as it may it will develop best when it gets at least four hours of direct daylight a day, however they ought to have brilliant light throughout the day. They like a mellow atmosphere with uniformly circulated rain amid the year.


They will develop in many sorts of soil the length of it is very much depleted, yet they do best in rich corrosive soil. In different soils, decayed compost or a period discharge manure ought to be added to the gap when planting as these plants will utilize much food from the dirt. Burrow an opening in any event double the extent of the rootball. At the very least, make the gap 0.6m (2 feet) in measurement and 0.3m (1 feet) profound. It additionally is a smart thought to complete with the opening 2.5 or 5cm (1-2 inch) recessed so that a watering bowl is shaped.


During the active growth period bird of paradise will do well in typical room temperatures. They require a long cool rest period amid the harvest time and winter months, however the temperature ought to be kept at around 13°C (55°F).


During the active growth period water moderately, sufficiently giving at each watering to make the preparing blend sodden all through however permitting the top couple of centimeters (0.8 inch) or the preparing blend to dry out well before watering once more. Amid the rest time frame give sufficiently only to keep the blend from drying out totally.


The plants should be fertilized monthly. Slow release chemical fertilizers are recommended and varieties that also acidify the soil will help the plant look greener.


Propagate Strelitzia reginae in spring by divining old, stuffed bunches or by tenderly isolating an area with a few leaves with a few roots connected from any develop plant. Pot the little segment in a 13-15cm (5-6 inch) pot of soil-based preparing blend and place it in a warm spot in splendid separated light (however no immediate daylight) for a month and a half. Amid this period don’t nourish the little plant and water it sparingly, permitting a full 50% of the preparing blend to dry out totally between waterings. By the and of the 6th week the roots will have turned out to be dynamic in the new pot, so regard the plant as suggested for a develop example. It will regularly bloom in a few years. Strelitzia reginae can likewise be developed from seed. This is an amazingly moderate process, however. It includes a hold up of conceivably the length of 10 years before any blossom are created.


Scale and mealybug insects sometime attack Strelitzia reginae. Look for them from time to time near the midrib on the underside of leaves, which is where they are usually found.

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