Fenugreek – Vegetable garden

Fenugreek - Vegetable garden

Fenugreek is one of the most common vegetables grown throughout the Country. It is a leguminous yearly plant that grows to around 60cm tall. The leaves are like clover fit as a fiddle. Blossoms are pea-molded and yellow or white and appear in the leaf axils. It is a medicinal food plant that has the beneficial effect of lowering blood sugar. Fenugreeks seeds and leaves are rich in other nutrients like Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, Folic acid and Vitamin C. It also contains various minerals like Potassium, Copper, Selenium, Zinc etc. Vitamin K is present in fenugreek leaves.

Scientific Name: Trigonella foenum-graecum
Common Name: Fenugreek

Fenugreek - Vegetable garden






How to grow and maintain fenugreek plant:

Soil and atmosphere:
The great soil of medium surface is required. Endured pH run is 5.3 to 8.2. Get ready soil by including a lot of treated the soil natural material. Fenugreek grows well in a warm and hot climate when the temperature ranges from 50 to 90 F (10 C to 32 C).

You may choose to soak the seeds in water for 12-24 hours. Plant your seeds in soil, rich with compost material. Seed them densely, not in lines. The seeds will germinate in 1-3 days.

Water profoundly every day, twice daily in summer. This plant requires little maintenance but tends to attract birds like pigeons, since it gives them a cool, cushioned place to sit in during hot summers.

Your plants will develop quickly and can be collected for their leaves at various times. Young fenugreek seedlings (1-2 weeks of development) are edible as micro-greens while older plants (3-6 weeks of growth) can be consumed as a leafy vegetable. Fenugreek plants left to go to seed will create blooming stems that will seed the surrounding area. You can harvest this plant for its seeds by collecting mature flower heads, threshing, drying thoroughly and storing in a cool, dry place.

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