Angel’s Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii)

Angel's Tears - Indoor House Plants

Angel’s Tears (Soleirolia Soleirolii) plant gets its name from the tiny, round leaves cascading down slender, fragile stems. This elegant beauty has been potted in a plastic hanging pot. It grows effortlessly in almost all parts of the world. These attractive plants can be grown indoors at shady spots or near bright sunlit windows or patios. It is an active grower and even if you have a small plant, it grows up to be really fast. The Baby’s Tears plant is also called Irish moss and mind-your-own-business. This plant is not toxic to dogs or cats. Angel’s Tears The country of origin is Italy. The flower language of angel’s tears is healing.

Scientific Name: Soleirolia soleirolii
Common Name: baby’s tears, angel’s tears, mind-your-own-business, peace-in-the-home, pollyanna vine, Polly prim, mother of thousands, and the Corsican curse.

Angel's Tears - Indoor House Plants

How to care and grow Angel’s Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii)?

The best places to grow are the inside of the veranda and the indoor window. It can grow from light shade to semi-shade. If it grows too much, you can prune it. 3 hours of direct sunlight is recommended. It is a characteristic of ground cover plants. If you grow it well, you can see pretty and cute flowers. It’s like a small star in the shape of a firecracker.


Angel’s Tears thrives in shade or part shade. Outdoors, it spreads rapidly in moist, fertile soil on the north or east side of a house. Indoors, place it in a bright window, however, don’t allow it to receive direct sun. The golden and variegated forms of baby’s tears are even more susceptible than the green form to browning and burning from sun exposure.


This plant thrives in high humidity. Humidity requirement is 40-70%. It is good to grow in Korea’s climate.


Normal room temperatures between 60-75°F/16-24°C. Winter temperature 3-5°C .


Plant either in a pot, hanging basket, or on the ground in a shady spot. These will grow faster if given more water but can survive quite dry conditions.


Any great preparing blend; African violet potting mix functions well to maintain moisture which this plant desires. When the soil is dry, the leaves suddenly turn black. When the soil is about 1/2 dry, water the bottom (soak with a bowl of water).


Feed every 2 weeks spring through summer with balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer diluted by half.


Keep the potting medium moist at all times. It won’t tolerate dry soil. Water every day in all seasons but reduce watering in winter.


Re-pot when the plant kind of overflows from its pot. When re-potting, transfer it to a larger pot, and it will grow while covering the ground.


The easiest way to propagation is by division. In plants that are well cared for, these ferns can grow very fast and you can propagate more plants every year. Cutting is possible. It’s possible to plant in wet soil.

Last updated on August 7th, 2021

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