Lady Palm – Indoor House Plants

Lady Palm - Indoor House Plants

Lady Palm (Rhapis Excelsa) is an extraordinary houseplant. The best variety to use as a houseplant is the Rhapis Excelsa. This slow growing palm has large shiny dark green fronds with blunt tips. The fronds of a Lady Palm grow out of multiple sturdy stems that are covered in a hairy brown fiber. When potted in a 6” or 8” container, this compact upright palm makes a great table plant. In a 10” or larger pot, It can grow up to 14 ft. tall. Rhapis Excelsa is a non-toxic plant. It removes formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, benzene, and ammonia from the air.

Scientific Name: Rhapis excelsa
Common Name: Broadleaf lady palm or lady palm

Lady Palm - Indoor House Plants






How to grow and maintain lady palm:

Rhapis Excelsa prefers bright, indirect light so keep within 3 to 5 feet of a window. Variegated varieties require lower light levels. This houseplant is not very picky about its temperature or humidity. So ordinary indoor temperatures should suit these plants.

Lady Palm will grow in any well-drained soil but prefer a soil mixture. Soil density should be firm and enable water to slowly filter through. All roots and the base of canes should be covered to retain moisture. Utilize pebbles or sand to increase drainage.

Water the plant when the soil is dry to a profundity of 1 inch in spring and summer. In fall and winter, enabling the soil to dry to a profundity of two inches.

Rhapis Excelsa is a slow-growing plant that needs very little fertilizer. Feed each other month with an essential houseplant food at 1/2-1/4 the recommended strength only when it’s actively growing. On the off chance that the fronds begin to look a little yellow add an additional feeding to your schedule.

Propagate by plant division. Divide the canes of the plant into several clumps. Make certain to include their underground rhizomes. This is the place the new shoots originate from.

Pests and diseases:
If your Rhapis Excelsa plant gets spider mites or scale, the insects tend to hide under stem coverings and are difficult to reach with sprays. A systemic insecticide works better on Lady Palms.

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