Spathiphyllum wallisii (Peace lily) – Indoor House Plants

Spathiphyllum wallisii (Peace lily) - Indoor House Plants

Spathiphyllum wallisii (Peace lily) is an evergreen, perennial indoor house plant with short underground rhizomes that send up clusters of lance-shaped or elliptic, dark green leaves on sheathed leaf-stalk. It can grow up to 20 inches tall and 20 inches wide. Blossoms are borne in a dense spike (spadix), within an ovate-shaped white spathe. The spathe is white and measuring up to 6 inches long while spadix is cream in color. It has one of the best removal rates of toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and carbon monoxide from the tainted indoor air. Spathiphyllum wallisii is poisonous. Keep it away from children and pets.

Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum wallisii
Common Names: Peace lily, white sails, or spathe flower.

Spathiphyllum wallisii (Peace lily) - Indoor House Plants





How to grow and maintain Spathiphyllum wallisii:

It thrives best in bright light, but no direct sun. Direct sunlight will burn the leaves. This plant will tolerate low light but may bloom poorly.

It grows well in a well-drained, peat-based potting mix with perlite is ideal or other peat based mixes.

Water your plant regularly during the growing season and always keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. You can allow the top 1 inch of soil to dry out between each watering. During the winter months, reduce watering.

It prefers average room temperatures 65 of – 75°F / 18 – 24°C. Avoid lower than 55°F/12°C in the winter.

The peace lily is especially sensitive to dry air and should be kept on trays of moist pebbles throughout the year. The leaves should also be mist-sprayed frequently. It needs a relative humidity of 40% or higher.

Fertilize monthly in spring and summer with a balanced houseplant fertilizer that includes micronutrients, using half the recommended strength. Yellow edges on leaves are an indication of nutrient deficiency.

It can be easily propagated by division in the spring. Pull rhizomes apart gently, making sure that each piece has at least two or three leaves attached. Plant individual pieces in 3 inches pots of either of the recommended potting mixture, burying each piece at the same depth as the entire rhizome was planted. Try not to apply any fertilizer to the newly potted rhizome sections for three months.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest or disease problems. Watch for Red spider mites and mealybug.

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