Brinjal – Vegetable garden

Brinjal - Vegetable garden

Brinjal is a unique vegetable across India. Brinjal make a tasty accompaniment to your favourite curry and are great with Rice and other dishes. Brinjal also used to make Brinjal Pickle.It is also Known as Eggplant. Eggplant is one of the most tropical vegetables grown in the world. The stem is often spiny. The flower is white to purple, with a five-lobed corolla and yellow stamens. The egg-shaped glossy purple fruit has white flesh with a meaty texture. The cut surface of the flesh rapidly turns brown when the fruit is cut open.

Scientific Name: Solanum melongena.

Common Name: Brinjal,Eggplant.

BrinjalHow to grow and maintain Brinjal (Eggplant):

choose the variety of Brinjal:

Brinjal plants come in many different varieties. Some of the popular ones include Fairytale, Little Fingers, Orient Express, etc. Select the one that you want to grow and is most suitable for your region and climate.


Eggplant will do well in soils which are well-drained and loamy in texture. A good supply of organic matter is important to balance soil moisture. Soil tests should indicate a pH of 5.5 to 6.5.

Seeding and Planting:

Transplanting 6 to 8-inch tall seedlings is the most ideal approach to start developing eggplant. Seed should be started indoors at least 6 to 8 weeks before the frost-free date (May 10). Germination should occur within 7 to 10 days. Providing bottom heat is helpful for faster germination and growth. lants should be hardened off outdoors for 10 days before being planted into the garden. Because of sensitivity to cold conditions, the soil temperature should be above 65 degrees in the garden at transplanting. Plant spacing should be about 2 feet apart with rows 3 feet apart. No staking is typically necessary, however, some support may be helpful to keep the plants upright as the fruits mature.


It requires a long growing season, generally around 90 days after transplanting to the garden. The best conditions for growth are temperatures of around 80 to 90 degrees during the day and 70 to 80 degrees at night. Eggplants also require a considerable amount of moisture for good fruit development. Additional water should be supplied when dry conditions prevail.


Water eggplant deeply and infrequently, applying 1-2 inches per week. Use drip irrigation if possible. Mulching around the plant will conserve soil moisture and reduce weed growth. Irrigate so that moisture goes deeply into the soil. Irregular watering (under or over) can cause tough leathery fruit or root


Avoid heavy fertilization of eggplant which encourages excessive leaf growth and delays flowering and fruit maturity. Side dress with nitrogen (21-0-0) using ½ tablespoon per plant at 4 and 8 weeks after planting. Place the fertilizer to the side of the plant and irrigate it into the soil.

Harvesting and Storage: 

Eggplants can be harvested at anytime before developing to full size. However, be sure to pick the fruit before it turns brown. Typically, eggplant fruit are ripe within 80 to 90 days after plants are transplanted and you should expect to get 3 to 4 from each plant. Overly ripe fruit will become soft and seedy. Use a sharp knife to cut the fruit instead of twisting them off. Leave a small part of the stem attached to the fruit. Eggplant fruit do not store well. Refrigeration under moist conditions is recommended to prolong storage, but you should not expect eggplant to last more than 1 week. Immature fruit generally lasts a few days longer than full sized fruit.

Pest control:

Sufficient watering is important to keep the brinjal plant healthy and also keep pests away. Drying out of soil can cause pest problems. If you notice any diseases like verticillium wilt or flea beetles, etc. you should use a good pesticide or insecticide to deal with the problem.


Last updated on February 28th, 2017

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