Clivia miniata (Kaffir lilies)

Clivia miniata (Kaffir lilies)

Clivia miniata is commonly known as Kaffir lilies, bush lilies or, most commonly, just Clivia. Six species have been described to date. This species is a frost-tender, clump-forming perennial growing about 30 inches tall when in flower. These plants are considered an evergreen as they do not die back after blooming. Their leaves grow from a central point like the agapanthus and are dark green and leathery to the touch. Each leaf is about 2 inches wide by 18 to 24 inches long. As the leaves slowly grow, they will create quite a thick stem at the base. Unlike an amaryllis that grows from a bulb, the Kaffir lily neither grows from a bulb nor a rhizome. Rather, its thick base only resembles that of a bulb where fleshy roots form. As these large roots grow, they can heave the soil at times. As this happens, always apply a light layer of rich soil over them to protect them from the elements of dry air.

Scientific name: Clivia miniata

Common name: Kaffir Lily, bush lilies

Clivia miniata

How to care and grow Clivia miniata?


Water the Clivia plant when the main 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) of soil get to be distinctly dry amid the dynamic developing season utilizing a garden hose. Keep the dirt sodden however never wet. Never water the Clivia to the point that there is standing water on the dirt’s surface. Diminish watering in the late fall and winter months when the plant enters torpidity. Water torpid Clivia plants when the main 3 to 5 inches (7.5 to 12.5 cm) of soil gets to be distinctly dry.


Treat the Clivia with a 6-6-6 nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium definition moderate discharge manure at regular intervals amid the developing season. Apply at a rate of 1 teaspoon for every square foot of soil. Spread the manure in a ring around the Clivia plant, keeping the granules 12 inches (30 cm) from its base. Rake the manure into the main 3 inches (7.5 cm) of soil. Water the region altogether. Try not to apply compost while the plant is lethargic


Isolate the Clivia plant each three to five years. Delve up the plant in the spring, soon after it has completed the process of blossoming. Dive in a ring around the plant, 12 inches (30 cm) far from its inside with a scoop or trowel. Burrow down to a profundity of 10 inches (25 cm) and undercut the root ball to free it from the dirt. Lift the plant from the beginning brush away overabundance soil. Pull the plant separated, isolating individual stems with a solid part of the swollen roots. Replant the divisions, dispersing various plants 18 to 24 inches (45 to 60 cm) separated. Try not to plant Clivia plants further than they were already developing. Water the transplanted Clivia plants completely.

Last updated on August 7th, 2021

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