Delta Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum Fragrans)

Delta Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum Fragrans) - Indoor House Plants

Delta Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum Fragrans) is one of the most popular indoor house plants. It has arching, wiry, black stems and delicate, triangular fronds with many small pinnate leaves that are pale green in color. Often grown in terrariums where humidity levels are high. This is a charming and elegant plant that also works well in bathrooms and kitchens.

Scientific Name: Adiantum raddianum Fragrans
Synonyms: Adiantum cuneatum, Adiantum rubellum.
Common Names: Delta Maidenhair Fern.

Delta Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum Fragrans)How to care and grow Adiantum raddianum Fragrans (Delta Maidenhair Fern)?


It thrives best in bright indirect sunlight but will even grow slowly in medium light. It can handle some early morning sun, however direct sun burns the fronds.


Adiantum Fragrans plant requires a well-drained, peat-based potting mix which includes organic matter. It prefers the soil pH-value is between 5.0 and 6.0.


Water your Adiantum Fragrans plant regularly during the growing season and always keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. During the winter months, reduce watering.


Delta Maidenhair Fern requires moist air that rarely drops below 50% relative humidity. Use a humidifier or plant in a terrarium.


It prefers an ideal temperature to provide is between 60 degrees Fahrenheit -75 degrees Fahrenheit / 16 degrees Celsius – 24 degrees Celsius for this plant. The minimum temperature is 55 degrees Fahrenheit / 13 degrees Celsius.


Fertilize once a month from spring through summer with a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted by half. Fertilize after watering to prevent burning roots. Do not feed over the winter.


Remove dead or damaged fronds regularly by cutting stems off at the base if the leaflets dry up or fall off.


Re-pot your fern once every two years during the spring season. You can encourage a small fern to grow bigger by moving it to a slightly bigger pot with a rich, well-drained potting mix, in a container with plenty of drainage holes.


Delta Maidenhair Fern can be easily propagated by division. This fern grows from rhizomes that spread horizontally just beneath the surface of the soil. Divide clump in spring, leaving rhizome attached to one to two fronds, and pot in its own particular container.

Pests and Diseases:

There is no serious pest or disease issues. Delta maidenhair ferns are occasionally attacked by aphids, mealybugs, and scale

Last updated on August 7th, 2021

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