Ficus pumila – Indoor House Plants

Ficus pumila

The dense, rapid growth of small, dark green, overlapping leaves on slender stems makes Creeping Fig a favorite vine to grow on walls where it lends a lacy pattern in its early stages of growth. It needs no support to adhere to a wall. As twigs reach about 2-years-old, larger mature leaves develop on moderately thick, hairy stems. These grow out from the wall several feet forming dense growth. Ficus pumila  also makes a low, dense ground cover only one or two inches high. Later developing larger leaves and woody growth, Creeping Fig grown as a ground cover needs regular pruning along the edges to keep it neat and within bounds. It is also well-suited for use in topiaries or hanging baskets.

Scientific name: Ficus pumila
Common name: creeping fig

Ficus pumila

How to grow and maintain Ficus pumila:


A large portion of these plants do well either in bright indirect light or in a position where they get some sun every day.Ficus pumila be that as it may, prefers more shade than different sorts. Ficus assortments that have plain green foliage endure more prominent measures of shade than do those with variegated foliage which must have bright light with a couple of hours a day of direct daylight. Something else, the variegated leaves are probably not going to hold their shading and sharp contrasts.


Ficus pumila must never be allowed to become dry at the roots or its paper-thin leaves will shrivel and fall off. Water plants of this species moderately, giving enough to make the potting mixture thoroughly moist at each watering, and allowing only the top ½ inch of the mixture to dry out before watering again. Most other species require much less water; let the top half of the potting mixture dry before watering again. Over or under watering will cause the lower leaves to drop. Usually, green leaf drop indicates too much water while yellow leaves dropping indicate not enough water.


Though most Ficus do best in normal room temperatures, they can be gradually acclimatized to a wide range of temperatures. Ficus pumila, the one species that flourishes in cooler conditions, is almost capable of withstanding frost. In very hot rooms a careful watch should be kept for red spider mites, which thrive in dry heat.


Give standard liquid houseplant fertilizer once a month from March through October.


When repotting turns out to be plainly fundamental, as showed by the presence of roots getting through the seepage gap and additionally a system of fine roots at first glance, move plants into pots one size bigger. Repotting is best done in spring while the plant is effectively developing.

Last updated on November 22nd, 2017

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