Grape ivy – Indoor House Plants

Grape ivy

Grape ivy makes an attractive plant for a hanging basket. It is a fast-growing, succulent-stemmed perennial vine. It has soft brown stems, coiling tendrils similar to grapevines. In moist, warm conditions it stays in leaf, but usually goes deciduous in the fall. Leaves may emerge in spring, but are often sparse until summer rains set in. Then, beautiful dark green deeply lobed leaves appear, lending it a tropical look. Flowers are insignificant. Without support, the stems will grow to about 2 feet before they begin cascading over the sides of the pot. You can also train grape ivy onto a support. This Grape Ivy doesn’t seem to form tubers, although it can regenerate from thick roots if it were to freeze to the ground.

Scientific name: Cissus rhombifolia

Common name: Grape Ivy

Grape ivy

How to grow and maintain grape ivy:


Utilize a very much circulated air through soil that channels rapidly for a Grape Ivy Plant. Grape Ivy Plants develop well in African Violet soil.


Ivies are remarkably tolerant to a wide range of light conditions. Be that as it may, in the home a south or west window can be very drying particularly in summer. A north or east window or sifted or decreased light from a south or west window is acceptable. Ivies react well to counterfeit bright light conditions. Put your plants 6″ to 10″ from the fluorescent tubes. In mild atmospheres ivies might be summered outside in the shade. In hotter parts of the nation pruned ivies will do well outside and additionally inside. Never put indoor plants outside where they will get any immediate sun.


Water completely yet occasionally. At the point when the dirt feels dry, delicately add water to the dirt until the surface is absolutely wet and the water depletes out of the base of the pot. At that point don’t water again until the dirt is practically dry. Try not to permit pots to stand constantly in water. In the event that the air is dry, raise the mugginess encompassing the plants by gathering ivies together on a plate brimming with wet rocks or perlite, yet don’t permit the ivies to remain in water.


Since foliage is the principle highlight of ivies, utilize manures high in nitrogen (the main number in the compost detailing) to give great green development. Apply manure to soil just, since foliar assimilation would be insignificant, or may even be destructive, under indoor conditions. In the home, encourage effectively developing ivies month to month with any foliage houseplant compost, as per the maker’s bearings. Try not to utilize manure when plants quit developing either in the warmth of summer, or when temperatures are cool.

Pests and Diseases:

Grape ivies attract Mealy Bugs and spider mites. Grape Ivy Plants are prone to powdery mildew. Provide good air circulation around a Grape Ivy Plant and keep the leaves dry to prevent powdery mildew.

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