Nepal Ivy (Hedera nepalensis) – Climber plants

Nepal Ivy (Hedera nepalensis) is a woody evergreen perennial vine that grows up to 30 m long, climbing into tall trees by aerial roots. It has ovate to lanceshaped, leathery, dark green, glossy leaves and the young leaves are 3-lobed. The flowers are bisexual and they are are tiny, many, yellowish-green, ins talked spherical umbels, which are arranged in domed clusters. Flowers have 5 elliptic petals, mostly turned backwards. In the buds, the petals are placed edge-to-edge. The fruit is round, orange to red, turning black. It is ideal for Ground cover, fences, trellises or walls.

Scientific classification

Family: Araliaceae
Genus: Hedera
Species: H. nepalensis
Scientific Name: Hedera nepalensis K.Koch
Common Name: Himalayan Ivy, Nepal Ivy

How To grow and care for Nepal Ivy (Hedera nepalensis)


Most cultivars of ivy grow best in bright light, but not direct sun. They tolerate low to medium light, but growth is reduced and variegated forms may turn all green. To maintain the bright color of a variegated ivy, give it plenty of light. Ivies can be grown with artificial light, or near a north, east or west window.


It grows well in any well-drained, moist, humus-rich, preferably alkaline soil.


Water Nepal Ivy thoroughly, then let the soil dry to the touch to a depth of ½ inch before watering again. Although ivies prefer moderate humidity, they will tolerate normal low home levels. Raise the humidity by setting the plants on a tray of wet pebbles or perlite. Do not allow ivies to stand in water. Ivies benefit from good air circulation, and they should not be crowded.


Fertilize Nepal Ivy monthly while they are actively growing with a foliage houseplant fertilizer, according to the label directions. Do not use fertilizer when plants stop growing either in the heat of summer, or when temperatures are cool.


Propagation is by stem cutting or seed. Most types of ivy will root easily in water. Repot ivies when the plants become top-heavy or root bound or dry out too rapidly. The new pot should be no more than 1 inch larger in diameter than the pot it was originally grown in. Using too large a pot can cause the soil to stay wet too long and lead to root rot.

Pest and Diseases

Too much or too little water plus insects and mites are the main problems. Root rot usually results from a soil mix that does not drain quickly or overly frequent watering. Mealybugs, mites, aphids, whiteflies and scales are the most common insect pests of ivies grown as houseplants. If the area infested is limited you can prune out those parts of the plant.

Periodic washing can help prevent many pest problems. Wash plants by dunking the foliage upside down in a gallon of water to which insecticidal soap has been added. Hold the soil in the pot with a cover of foil or plastic.


All parts are poisonous because they contain saponins, which are irritating to the skin, and conjunctiva of eyes, and after ingestion induce gastrointestinal nervous system, disturbances. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling.

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