Plumeria rubra – Flowering plants

Plumeria rubra - Flowering plants

Plumeria rubra (Frangipani) is a large shrub or a small flowering tree grows up to a height of two to eight meters and similar width. Plumeria rubra has a thick succulent trunk and sausage-like blunt branches covered with a thin grey bark. It has long leathery, fleshy leaves near the tips of the branches. The blossoms are terminal, showing up at the ends of branches over the summer. Frangipani flowers are strongly (Frangipani) and have five petals. The waxy blossoms are around 5 cm wide and the colors range from the common pink to white with shades of yellow in the center of the flower. Frangipani flowers contain a poisonous, milky sap that can irritate the skin. Its essential oil is commonly used as a fragrance for perfume, lotion, candles and other scented products.

Scientific Name: Plumeria rubra
Synonyms: Plumeria acuminata, Plumeria acutifolia, Plumeria angustifolia, Plumeria arborea, Plumeria arborescens, Plumeria aurantia, Plumeria bicolor, Plumeria carinata, Plumeria jamesonii, Plumeria milleri, Plumeria tenuifolia, Plumeria tricolor.
Common Names: Frangipani, Red paucipan, Red-jasmine, Red frangipani, Temple tree, Plumeria.

Plumeria rubra - Flowering plants





How to grow and maintain Plumeria rubra:

Plumeria grows best in bright light to full sun. Keep Plumerias plant at least 6 hours a day.

Plumeria grows best in well-drained soil. Use peat moss based potting mix. It prefers the soil pH around 6 to 6.7 (slightly acidic). They endure a wide variety of soils, from acid to alkaline and sandy to clay.

It requires average to warm temperature between 65°F – 80°F / 18°C – 27°C. It will endure high temperatures, but if you move it outdoors for the summer, bring it back inside if the temperature drops below 55°F / 13°C at night.

Water regularly during the growing season and always keep the soil moist but never allow your plant to sit in water. During the winter season, reduce watering and you can allow the topsoil to become slightly dry between each watering.

Fertilize Plumeria rubra plants twice a month during the growing season with high-phosphorus fertilizer to promote blooming.

It is very easy to propagate from seed or by cutting. In spring or fall, cut the stem tips one to two feet long and allow the cut ends to dry for a week, to prevent the sap from oozing out, before planting in the potting medium.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest and disease problem. Check periodically for pests such as spider mites, whiteflies, and mealybugs. Use a horticultural oil or insecticidal soap to control these pests.

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