Venus Fly Trap – Indoor House Plants

Venus Fly Trap - Indoor House Plants

The Venus Fly Trap is one of the easiest carnivorous plants to grow. The Venus Flytrap’s unique leaves each contain a hinged, rounded trap with 6 tiny spines. At the point when two of the six spines are triggered the trap folds and encloses the insect, which is then slowly digested. If you wish to grow one or more, they have only a few requirements such as wet roots, high humidity, full sunlight, and poor, acidic soil. Mature leaves will turn black, this is natural. Simply remove them and new leaves will appear in their place. In the springtime, a happy Venus Flytrap will send up a bloom stalk with delicate white flowers, once this is finished blooming cut the stem as low as possible.

If you’re keeping Venus flytraps indoors, then they may not be getting food naturally. Besides trying to catch live spiders or insects, you do have additional options. Mealworms and bloodworms are two excellent foods. These can be purchased in a freeze-dried form for easy storage. Just re-hydrate them before feeding. You can get these from a nearby pet store, bait shop. Another convenient option is betta fish food. The betta pellets are very easy to use.

Scientific Name: Dionaea muscipula
Common Name: Venus flytrap

Venus Fly Trap - Indoor House Plants






How to grow and maintain Venus fly trap :

They require moist soil, Venus Flytraps need lots of sunlight. Make certain to put your plants in a zone that will get no less than six to eight hours of direct summer daylight every day in summer. Sunny south-facing decks, porches or windowsills are perfect for them.

These plants are most joyful between 60°- 90°F (15°- 32°C) for most of the year. During the winter months, they enter a dormancy period and can withstand temperatures as low as 30°F (-1°C) for short periods of time.

In nature, It grows in nutrient-poor conditions, so the same is required to grow them in your home. A blend of peat moss and long fiber sphagnum moss is ideal, although adding silica sand and perlite is acceptable as well. Traditional potting soil should never be used when repotting.

They like their developing medium to be kept moist at all times, but never to the point of soggy. They are best watered through bottom-watering systems. Water should always be distilled before providing to the plant, as the chemicals in typical tap water are poisonous to the root system.

Fertilizer is not necessary for Venus Flytraps, in fact, doing so might kill them, as they are accustomed
to nutrient-poor soil. Venus Flytraps supplement their diet by trapping prey, which should give your plant
all the nourishment it needs.

Developing these plants from seeds requires no less than five years before maturity is reached. Propagation from splitting existing plants is more common.

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