Zantedeschia Black Magic (Calla Lily)

Zantedeschia Black Magic (Calla Lily) - Indoor Plants

Zantedeschia Black Magic (Calla Lily) is an ornamental, semi-evergreen perennial flowering plant with upright, clump-forming, rhizomatous, and broadly arrow-shaped, glossy, white-spotted, dark green leaves. It grows 2 to 2.5 ft. tall and 1 to 1.5 ft. It produces funnel-shaped, bright yellow flowers with a black throat at the base of the spadix. It blooms for about six weeks during the late spring and early summer. Keeping the plant root- bound encourages more blossoms. Zantedeschia Black Magic is a stemless plant whose flowers and leaves rise directly from rhizomes.

Calla Lily is the long-lasting cut flowers that are perfect in bouquets and flower arrangements. This plant contains high levels of calcium oxalate and ingestion may cause severe burning and swelling of the mouth, throat, lips, and tongue. Please keep it away from small children and pets.

Scientific classification

Family: Araceae
Genus: Zantedeschia
Scientific Name: Zantedeschia Black Magic
Common Name: Calla Lily, Arum lily ‘Black Magic’, Calla lily ‘Black Magic’

Zantedeschia Black Magic (Calla Lily)


How to care and grow Zantedeschia Black Magic (Calla Lily)?


Zantedeschia Black Magic thrives best in bright indirect sunlight to partial shade. Provide at least 6 hours per day of indirect bright sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent the burning of the leaves and flowers.


It grows well in rich, moist, well-drained soil. Use a good peat moss based potting soil.


Water regularly and keep the soil moist but not soggy. You can allow the soil to dry out between each watering.
But never let your plants totally dry out.


It prefers ideal room temperatures between 50°-75°F (10°-24°C). If temperatures go much below 50, the plants will tend to go dormant. Keep Calla Lilies away from heating and air conditioning vents. If planted outdoors, be sure to dig up the Calla Lily bulbs and bring them inside before temperatures dip below freezing.


Zantedeschia Black Magic your plant becomes root bound, transfer them to a slightly larger pot. One way to determine whether your calla lilies are ready for a bigger pot is if the roots look crowded. Root-bound plants are not likely to flourish. Repotting calla lilies is really pretty simple. You should simply carefully lift the calla lilies out of the smaller pot and gently place them into the larger one, all without harming the delicate roots. Then, fill the pot with soil until you reach about an inch from the pot’s edge. Calla lilies should be kept moist for a couple of days after repotting, so make sure to watch out for the soil’s moisture levels.


Fertilize your calla lily with a bulb fertilizer monthly. Stop fertilizing once the calla lily plant has bloomed. If the foliage has dark tips, you may be adding too much fertilizer.


Zantedeschia Black Magic does well in average humidity.


It can be easily propagated by seeds or by division. Simply divide the rhizomes in the early spring and plant a single rhizome (bulb) in a deep 6 inches pot. Wait until the plant has started to produce new green leaves before going back to a regular fertilization program.

Pests and Diseases

Zantedeschia Black Magic are susceptible to various viruses and bacterial infections, especially rhizome rot and gray mold. These problems become evident when leaves and stems start to turn yellow before the plant is normally entering its dormant phase. Kill any small insect pests on your calla lily with insecticide soap or spray safe for plants.

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