Chamomile – Herb garden

Chamomile - Herb garden

Chamomile is an annual herb is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind. The Chamomile plant will deliver aromatic, feathery leaves that are complimented with summer blossoming, white daisy-like flowers with yellow button centers. A creeping perennial which grows about six inches high with a 1-2 foot spread. If space is limited, consider growing this herb in a container either indoors or on a patio. Both herb gardens and flower gardens make great homes for the chamomile plant.

Scientific Name: Matricaria chamomilla
Common Name: chamomile, Italian camomilla, German chamomile, Hungarian chamomile, wild chamomile or scented mayweed.


Chamomile - Herb garden





How to grow and maintain Matricaria chamomilla:

These plants require an area that receives full sun.

Proper well-drained is important, however, soil needs to hold moisture for the plant to grow. Soil should be average to rich in quality. Amend the poor soil by working in rotted compost or organic matter. The acidity of the soil is another factor to consider. It will grow in a wide range of acidic soil anything with 5.6 – 7.5 pH.

It will not be necessary to water Matricaria chamomilla plants widely during the growing season. Care should be taken to keep the soil moist after seeding. Water Matricaria chamomilla during dry spells and when it begins to bloom. However, it will likely thrive without much attention.

Apply compost regularly to achieve maximum plant growth.

Propagate by Division, seeds, or cuttings. Seeds should be planted first in small containers, 1/8 inch deep. At the point when the plants are big enough to handle, transplant to 6 inches apart.

Pests and diseases:
Matricaria chamomilla isn’t susceptible to many pests, and it might really repulse a few insects, such as cucumber beetles.
There are no serious diseases that are known to affect chamomile.

It is used as a facial steam and breathed can ease colds, flu, throat infections and hayfever.
It is used as a hand soak to soften skin.
It can be used to treat wounds and eczema.
It can be used in a bath to relieve sun or wind burn and bites and a cup of Chamomile tea, taken an hour before meals, help increase the appetites of the elderly.

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