Agave victoriae reginae – Succulent plants

Agave victoriae reginae - Succulent plants

Agave victoriae reginae an ornamental, succulent flowering perennial plant. It frames a small, symmetrical, rosette of dark green foliage with white markings on the side of its toothless leaves. A sharp spine is apparent at the end of each leaf. It grows slowly to 1-2 feet tall and spreads 8 inches wide. After many years of growth, it creates a dense, 10 – 15-foot flower spike. The blooms are green to creamy white and tinged with a red or purple. Blossoms appear on the upper half of its flower stalk and the plant will die after flowering.

Scientific Name: Agave victoriae reginae
Common Names: Queen Victoria agave, royal agave.

Agave victoriae reginae - Succulent plants





How to grow and maintain Agave victoriae reginae:

It prefers to grow in full sun to light shade. A south or south-east facing window works great.

It thrives well in sandy, calcareous soil, well-drained soil or uses a potting soil mix.

It prefers average day temperatures was 35° C and the night temperatures never dropped below 25° C. Plants become more tolerant of cold temperatures as they grow larger.

Water this plant when the top inch of soil is totally dry. In hot, dry atmospheres, water once seven days in summer and in other climates, water once every 2 to 3 weeks in the absence of rainfall is usually sufficient. In spring and fall, watering every 3 to 4 weeks is usually enough. Agave seldom needs water in winter, but you can lightly water them once a month. Too much water can cause root rot or cause the leaves to become pale and flop.

Fertilize with a standard liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the active growing period. Do not fertilize the plant during the resting period.

It can be easily propagated by dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs or by the suckers produced at the base of the stems in the spring.

Pests and Diseases:
No serious pest or disease problems. Watch for mealybugs and scale. Always inspect any new plant for bugs before introducing it with your home or nursery.

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