Bamboo Palm – Indoor House Plants

Bamboo Palm - Indoor House Plants

Bamboo Palm is a beautiful ornamental clumping palm with graceful green fronds held upright by a bamboo-looking stalk that can reach a height of 5-7ft and a width of 3-5ft. with multiple reed-like stems growing in clumps. There are around 10-15 fronds on each stem of a Bamboo Palm and every frond has 10-14 pinnate (feathery) dark green leaflets. The base of each stem of a Reed Palm is covered in a tan colored fiber that resembles bamboo. Reed Palm has Yellow male and female blossoms are borne on different plants. Inflorescences with staminate flowers grow to 15 cm long, branched to one order, with up to 12 branches. Inflorescences with pistillate flowers grow to 10 cm long, branched to one order, with up to 6 branches, turning orange when the fruit ripens. The spherical fruits, 6-8 mm in diameter, are black when ripe. The fruit is very toxic and should not be eaten it is also an irritant to humans skin and eyes. Reed Palm is effective at removing indoor air toxins, especially benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde, and resistant to insect infestation than areca palms. Reed Palm is very easy to grow in both indoor and outdoor.

Scientific Name: Chamaedorea seifrizii
Common Name: Bamboo Palm, Reed Palm, Clustered Parlor Palm, and Cane Palm.

Bamboo Palm - Indoor House Plants





How to grow and maintain Bamboo Palm:

Chamaedorea seifrizii grows faster in bright but indirect sunlight. Do not keep your plant under direct sunlight.

Chamaedorea seifrizii thrives best in a fertile, slightly acidic, well-drained but moist soil.

Chamaedorea seifrizii grows well in temperatures between 65°F -80°F and not less than 50 degrees F.

Water your bamboo palm regularly when the top one-half inch of soil just begins to feel dry in spring and summer. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering will make tips turn yellow and the leaves to fall. You should ensure that the water is being drained properly.

Fertilize a Chamaedorea seifrizii plant monthly in the spring and summer with a diluted liquid fertilizer like 15-15-15 should be used.

The dark colored or yellow tips of the leaves should be cut off. Likewise, the dried fronds or bare stalks should be removed. a cultivator should likewise remove the dead leaves from the base of the stem.

It can be propagated by division of suckers or offshoots or by seed, which takes 6 months or more to germinate.

Pests and Diseases:
Reed Palm is very susceptible to spider mites, scale, and Mealy Bugs. Keep a Reed Palm clean by showering it frequently with a blend of biodegradable liquid soap and water. If the pests persist, spray the plant with an insecticidal soap.

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