Calathea warscewiczii – Indoor House Plants

Calathea warscewiczii

Calathea warscewiczii is an evergreen, perennial, herbaceous plant. It grows up to 20-40 inches high, by 20-40 inches wide, with patterned lanceoate leaves, and the leaves have a contrasting maroon-purple colored on the underside of the leaves makes this a very attractive and popular Calathea. It produces showy white cone-like inflorescences that fade to yellow or pink.

Scientific Name: Calathea warscewiczii
Synonyms: Maranta warscewiczii, Phrynium warscewiczii
Common Name: Prayer Plant, Calathea, Calathea Plant.

Calathea warscewiczii

Calathea warscewiczii

How to grow and maintain Calathea warscewiczii:

Calathea warscewiczii thrives best in bright indirect sunlight or filtered sunlight to partial shade. Avoid direct sunlight, because too much of direct sunlight burns the leaves of a Plant and causes the wonderful leaf hues to fade. Keep your plant in front of East, west, or north facing window is suitable.

Calathea warscewiczii grows well in moist, well-drained, fertile organic soil with a mix of sand.

Average room temperatures between 65ºF – 80ºF / 18ºC – 24ºC year-round. During the cold months, the Calathea warscewiczii should be kept at temperatures of 16°C (60°F) and above. Sudden drops in the air temperature can damage the foliage.

Water regularly, during the growing season. Keep soil constantly moist but never water-logged. Over watering can cause root rot and kill the plant. During the winter season, reduce watering and only water the plant when the top inch soil to dry out between watering.

Fertilize every two weeks spring through fall with a liquid fertilizer diluted by half or feed with a very weak solution when watering the plant.

It can be easily propagated by dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs. In spring, take 4-inch stem cuttings with 3-4 leaves attached. Root them in the moist potting mix. When the plant gets too big, it can easily divide it in half by pulling apart its shallow roots. Propagated plants should be kept warm until they have been established.

The Calathea warscewiczii should be re-potted every two years in the spring. A peat-based potting mix will help the plant retain moisture and humidity. Propagation can be done when the plant is being re-potted.

Pests and Diseases:
It is very susceptible to Spider mites, scale, Mealy Bugs, and Aphids.

Last updated on April 13th, 2019

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