Fiber Optic Grass | Isolepis cernua – House Plants

Fiber Optic Grass | Isolepis cernua - House Plants

Fiber Optic Grass | Isolepis cernua evergreen ornamental grass, growing to 8 inches tall. Isolepis cernua is an aquatic submerged perennial plant which is adaptable to shallow or deep water. It has bright green rush with slender leaves grows in attractive tufted clumps and produces masses of tiny white flowers atop emerged stalks in summer. The blossoms resemble the look of fiber optic lights hence the common name. This is a plant which is best to grow near water or in moist soils and can also be planted in up to 10cm of water and will act as an oxygenator.

Scientific Name: Isolepis cernua
Synonyms: Scirpus cernuus
Common Names: Fiber Optic Grass, Fairy lights, Bullrush, Tufted Clubrush, Low Bulrush, Slender Club-Rush, Salt Marsh Bulrush, Savis Mud-Rush, Cat’s Whiskers.

Fiber Optic Grass | Isolepis cernua - House Plants

How to grow and maintain Fiber Optic Grass | Isolepis cernua:

It thrives best in bright light to full sun.

It grows well in a peat moss-based mix, such as an African violet potting mix.

Water regularly, Keep the soil moist or wet at all times. The constantly moist soil is needed to keep Isolepis cernua healthy and thriving. Pots may even be permitted to stand in water.

It prefers moderate room humidity around 40-50% relative humidity.

It requires an average to warm room temperatures 65°F – 80°F / 18°C – 27°C year-round. If you put this tender ornamental out on the patio for the summer, it can take the heat, but bring it back indoors when the temperature drops. It won’t tolerate frost.

Fertilize once a month spring through fall with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Fiber Optic Grass by dividing overcrowded clumps in the spring. Also, be propagated by seed. Sow seed in spring, barely covering the seeds. Keep the soil warm at around 70°F and constantly moist.

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