Fittonia plant – Indoor House Plants

Fittonia plant - Indoor House Plants

A Fittonia plant is an ornamental, beautiful foliage houseplant. It has beautiful, deep-green leaves with vein patterns of white, pink, or red. Nerve plant is a small, compact, low-growing plant that looks good on windowsills, small shelves, and in terrariums. Flowers are small with a white to greyish shading. Fittonia plant are very easy to grow at indoor.

Scientific Name: Fittonia verschaffeltii
Common Names: Nerve plant or Mosaic plant.

Fittonia plant - Indoor House Plants




How to grow and maintain Fittonia Plant:

It thrives best in bright indirect light but no direct sunlight, which may cause shriveled leaves. Also grows well under fluorescent light.

It grown well in moist but well-drained, a peat moss based potting soil.

Water your plant regularly during the growing season and always
keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. You can allow the
topsoil to become slightly dry between each watering.

It prefers an average room temperatures 65 degrees Fahrenheit –
75 degrees Fahrenheit /18 degrees Celsius – 24 degrees Celsius.
and do not do well in temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit
(15 degrees Celsius).

Fertilize every two to three months from spring through fall with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

Prune the leaf tips regularly to keep the plant bushy and full and prevent it from becoming leggy. Also pinch off any small blossom spikes may show up, because they are insignificant and will weaken the show of leaves.

It can be easily propagated by stem tip cuttings, layering or division. Take 5 cm the stem cuttings in late spring or early
summer and insert them in moist potting mix, stem cuttings need
four to eight weeks to root.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest or disease problems. Watch for fungus
Gnats, aphids, and mealy Bugs and over-watering leads to root

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