Hydrangea febrifuga – Flowering plants

Hydrangea febrifuga - Flowering plants

Hydrangea febrifuga is an attractive ornamental, evergreen shrub that grows up to 38 – 79 inches tall. It has glossy, toothed, pointed-elliptic, dark green leaves about 4-8 inches long and to 3 inches wide. Chinese Quinine has reflexed, five-petaled, bi-color flowers reminiscent of hydrangea bloom in spring-summer in terminal inflorescences to 3-6 inches diameter. The flower buds are white and petal outsides are also white but the insides are blue and the flowers are followed by orbicular, gentian blue-berries which mature in late summer.

Scientific classification

Family: Hydrangeaceae
Genus: Hydrangea
Species: H. febrifuga
Scientific Name: Hydrangea febrifuga
Common Names: Blue Himalayan Hydrangea, Blue Evergreen Hydrangea, Chinese Quinine

Hydrangea febrifuga

How to grow and care for Hydrangea febrifuga


It thrives best from bright, indirect sunlight to partial shade. Provide at least 4 hours of bright, indirect sunlight every day.


It grows well in well-drained, peat-based soil. Blue hydrangeas need acidic soil (pH 5.5 and lower) or they will change flower color from blue to pink. Alkaline soils (higher than pH 7) are fine for pink varieties. To keep the blue color, add sulfur while the plant is blooming. Neutral pH (between pH 5.5 and pH 7) can make the flowers purple or a mix of pink and blue.


Water regularly during the growing season. Keep the soil evenly moist, but not soggy. Keep the soil barely moist in winter.


It prefers to grow at a temperature below 60°F/16°C. Keep your hydrangea plant as cool as possible to prolong the flowering time.


Fertilize every two weeks during spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer (such as 10-10-10) diluted by half. Or, use a slow-release fertilizer once in spring and again in summer.


It can be easily propagated by stem tip cuttings. Take 4-inch stem tip cuttings in spring or early summer and root them in a moist potting mix.

Pests and Diseases

Hydrangea febrifuga has no serious pest or disease problems. Some susceptibility to bud blight, bacterial wilt, leaf spot, and mildew. Aphids are occasional visitors.

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