Kalanchoe tomentosa – Succulent plants

Kalanchoe tomentosa - Succulent plants

Kalanchoe tomentosa (commonly known as Panda plant or pussy
ears) is a succulent plant. It is very easy to grow at indoors and grows up to 2 feet tall. It has thick, soft, furry grey- white stem and leaves with dark brown spotty edge. The brownish green leaves that are covered in tiny hairs. Along the upper leaf margin and tip is a raised slightly toothed edge that is reddish on new leaves and matures to a rusty brown color. Panda plant produces fuzzy, bell-shaped blossoms with dark brown petal tips in spring and summer.

Scientific Name: Kalanchoe tomentosa
Common Names: Panda plant, pussy ears and chocolate soldier.

Kalanchoe tomentosa - Succulent plants




How to grow and maintain Kalanchoe tomentosa (Panda plant):

It grows well in bright light and sunshine. A mixture of
direct, indirect and shade is a good balance of sunlight.

It requires well-drained, Soil blend consisting of 2 parts sand
to 1 part loam, with small gravel added to increase drainage or
use a cactus potting mix.

Water your panda plant regularly during the growing season and always keep the soil evenly moist but never allow your plant to sit in water. You can allow the topsoil to become slightly dry between
each watering. During the winter months, reduce wtering.

It flourishes well in temperture between 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit / 15 degrees Celsius to 23 degrees
Celsius. Normal room humidity is fine and it may also tolerate
dry air.

Fertilize your Panda plant once every four weeks with a diluted
fertilizer, from spring until the end of summer. Do not fertilize this plant during the rest period.

Re-Pot your panda plant once every 2 years during spring.

It can be easily propagated by leaf cutting. Take leaf cuttings in spring or early summer. Enable cuttings to dry out before re-potting. These cuttings root easily in 3 inches pots filled with a mixture of peat moss and sand. The cuttings usually will produce roots in about 4 weeks. When roots have formed and new growth appears, move each young plant into a pot of standard mixture.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest or disease problems. May be attacked
by mealybugs and aphids.

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