Barberton daisy – Flowering plants

Barberton daisy

Barberton daisy is a beautiful plant you can become both inside the home and outside in your garden. They are for the most part developed for their lovely blossoms, however, they additionally have exquisite leaves and can look very beautiful even when they are not in full bloom. Barberton daisy flowers are popular as cut flowers; they are pretty and elegant in their own right. Their daisy-like flowers come in a colorful array of crimson, cream, yellow, orange and pink. The hairy, deeply lobed leaves, which resembles the Garland Chrysanthemum (a steamboat vegetable, commonly called Tang Oh), serves to enhance the brightly colored blooms.

Nowadays, local nurseries carry hybrids both with single or double-petal blooms. Leaves of this plant form basal rosettes. The rosettes slowly spread from the base. The leaves are gently fuzzy and often toothed. The foliage is lobed or pinnate. Barberton Daisies have very beautiful leaves that go great with their colorful blooms. According to NASA’s Clean Air Study, the Gerbera jamesonii filters indoor air pollution, particularly benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene.

Scientific name: Gerbera jamesonii

Common name: Barberton daisy, Transvaal daisy

Barberton daisy

How to grow and maintain Barberton daisy:


Semishade outdoors. Give about 6 hours of sunlight on a bright windowsill indoors.


Cool to average 55-75°F/13-24°C


Try to keep the soil moist at all times, but not soggy. Water as soon as the soil becomes dry to the touch or the plant will start to wilt very quickly. Use a pot with drainage holes to provide adequate draining and don’t leave any standing water in the saucer.


Feed every 2 weeks while in bloom with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.


Plants can be grown from seeds but it will be an exceedingly tedious process. Germination can be tricky since the seeds do not remain viable for long. Give up if you notice no seedlings emerging for more than a fortnight. A faster and easier method of propagating Gerbera is via division of the crown. The Gerbera will produce numerous suckers, which can be split into many individual plants. In the process of dividing the plant, try to give each sucker some roots and be as careful as you can so as to minimize any damage to the plant. You may find it necessary to cover the divided plants with moisture loss.

Last updated on March 6th, 2019

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