Euphorbia erigavensis – Succulent plant

Euphorbia erigavensis is an ornamental, spiny perennial succulent shrub that grows up to 30 cm tall from a thick very low trunk. The stem is very short partly underground, with apex nearly at ground level, Lateral branches not many, strong, erect to 30 cm long, branched only when mature, 1.5-2.5 cm thick, pale greyish-green, blue-green, or light-green with reddish-brown markings, somewhat toothed, tessellated, with teeth about 1 cm apart in 5-7 spiral series. The main spine is single and stout. It produces solitary, subsessile, 1-forked cymes at the apex of the lateral branches.

It flowers (Cyathia) in groups of three cyathia above the spine-shields, dirty yellow-green, glands 2.5 mm broad, touching, yellow. Ovary subsessile; styles 2 mm long. The Euphorbia erigavensis is self-fertile.

The milky sap of this plant is poisonous and can cause skin irritations. Therefore Euphorbia should be handled with caution and kept away from children and pets.

Scientific classification

Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Euphorbia
Species: E. erigavensis
Scientific Name: Euphorbia erigavensis S.Carter

Euphorbia erigavensis

How to care and grow for Euphorbia erigavensis?


It prefers full to partial sunlight. Provides good sunlight at least 3-5 hours of the day, and turn it regularly so that your plant doesn’t begin to grow lopsided.


It grows well in well-draining, gritty soils, or cactus potting mix. They are not particular about soil pH, but they cannot tolerate wet soil.


Water regularly during the growing season. You can allow the soil to dry out between each watering. No water should ever be allowed to stand around the roots. Keep almost completely dry in winter. Do not water too often to prevent overwatering, which can potentially kill it off.


It prefers an optimal temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit – 85 degrees Fahrenheit / 16 degrees Celsius to 29 degrees Celsius.


Fertilize every two weeks with a diluted balanced liquid fertilizer during its growing season in the spring and summer. Avoid fertilizing your plant during the fall and winter months.


It can be easily propagated from seed sown during spring or summer. Seed germination occurs within 3 weeks. Sowing seed of this self-fertile species is the surest method of growing typical offspring and seedlings are in the first season relatively easy to grow. It also can be propagated by cuttings or grafting as well but often lateral branches fail to produce the characteristic thick main stem.


The method of grafting euphorbias differs little from that of other succulents, except in one important aspect. The latex must be washed or sprayed off until hardly anything remains. After the latex flow has stopped, a further 1-2 mm slice can be taken from both surfaces without a new latex flow starting. Both scion and stock need to be at the start of the growing season. The stock should be cut as near as possible to the growing tip, as here the vascular bundles are dense and not yet woody and will feed the scion in the best possible way. Where possible stock and scion should be of similar diameter. The cut surfaces are held together with elastic bands in cross style, over the plant top, and under the pot. The plants should be left in an airy and shady place for seven to ten days before the bands are removed.

Pests and Diseases

Euphorbia may be susceptible to mealy bugs, scale insects, occasionally spider mites.

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