Selaginella peruviana ‘Burnet’ – Indoor Plants

Selaginella peruviana 'Burnet' - Indoor Plants

Selaginella peruviana ‘Burnet’ is a herbaceous, perennial plant forming loose mats. The stems prostrate, with upper and lower surfaces distinctive in appearance, rhizophores scattered along the whole length of the stem, leaves firmly appressed to climbing, apically with an elongate rounded bristle, all of one kind though leaves on the underside of stems widest at the base or at least definitely not narrowed at base. It survives drought, like the resurrection fern, by curling up and turning brown, only to re-hydrate when rain or irrigation arrives.

Scientific classification:

Family: Selaginellaceae
Genus: Selaginella
Scientific Name: Selaginella peruviana ‘Burnet’
Common Name: Peruvian Spikemoss, Burnet Peruvian Spikemoss

Selaginella peruviana 'Burnet'

How to grow and maintain Selaginella peruviana ‘Burnet’:

It thrives best in bright indirect light to partial shade. Avoid direct sunlight.

It grows best in a well-drained, peat moss-based potting mix with perlite.

Water your plant regularly during the growing season and always keep the soil evenly moist but never allow your plant to sit in water.

It prefers an average room temperature of 65°F – 75°F / 18°C – 24°C. Selaginella peruviana ‘Burnet’ doesn’t like it too cold or too hot, especially drafts. Keep this plant away from doorways and air vents.

Fertilize once a month during spring through fall with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Prune it back in spring to keep this spreading plant under control. You can prune up to half of the plant if you need it.

Selaginella peruviana ‘Burnet’ can be easily propagated by division, stem cuttings, or by spores. Take stem tip cuttings in spring or summer. Simply give the stems contact with the soil and they will take root as they grow, forming a spreading mat.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest or disease problems. Sometimes attacked by Mealy Bugs and spider mites.

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