Solanum pseudocapsicum (Christmas Cherry) – Indoor House Plants

Solanum pseudocapsicum (Christmas Cherry) - Indoor House Plants

Solanum pseudocapsicum (commonly known as Christmas Cherry or Jerusalem cherry) is an ornamental, evergreen perennial indoor houseplant. It has highly branched, non-spiny shrub that grows to a height of 30-60 cm. The leaves are lance-shaped with a beautiful dark-green color. The Christmas Cherry produces small star-shaped blossoms in summer. The blossoms are followed by small, round fruits that turn from green to yellow to orange to red as they slowly ripen . Fruits are not edible. This plant can live up to ten years or more bearing fruit in each year. Do not eat the fruit of Solanum pseudocapsicum however as they contain poisons. Keep the berries away from children. Ingestion may result in mild poisoning, but it is generally not life-
threatening. It might cause gastric problems, including vomiting
and gastroenteritis. They are also very poisonous to dogs,
cats and some birds.

Scientific Name: Solanum pseudocapsicum

Synonyms: Solanum capsicastrum, Solanum diflorum, Solanum dunnianum, Solanum jaliscanum, Solanum tucumanense.

Common Names: Christmas Cherry, Jerusalem cherry, Madeira winter cherry, Kangaroo Apple, Nightshade, or Winter cherry.

Solanum pseudocapsicum (Christmas Cherry) - Indoor House Plants



How to grow and maintain Solanum pseudocapsicum (Christmas Cherry):

It thrives well in bright light, and some direct sunlight but
not too much of direct sunlight. Place your winter cherry plant
where it will get a few hours of direct sun each day.

It grow best in well-drained, any potting mix

Water your plant regularly during the growing season and always
keep the soil evenly moist but never allow your plant to sit in
water. You can allow the topsoil to become slightly dry between
each watering. Reduce watering in spring, when the plant is

It prefers an average room temperatures between 60°F – 75°F /
16°C – 24°C and 50°F – 60°F (10°C – 15°C) during winter. Avoid
placing the plant near cold drafts.

Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer once a month until the
berries have fell. Allow some time for rest (late winter –
spring) without manure and start fertilizing again when new
bloom buds appear.

Prune stems back to approximately half their length, late
winter. This will allow new growth and keep the plant well
trimmed for the following growing season.

Winter cherry can be easily propagated by seed or by stem cuttings. Take stem cuttings in spring and root them in moist potting mix. Gather seeds from ripe fruits and sow in early spring.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest or disease problems. Jerusalem cherry
is sometimes infested by aphids, whiteflies or spider mites.

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